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  • Eliza S.

1984: Good Concept, Slight Snoozefest

A potentially controversial review of a generally hailed novel.

By David F.

All righty, this is going to be a little on the unpopular opinion side, but I do not like the book 1984. There. I said it.

Honestly, when I first started reading it, I thought it wasn't bad. The story was set up efficiently, the plot was interesting, and it was easy to understand. As I continued to read, however, it took a turn for the worse. The concept is smart, relating to how a totalitarian government can result in fatally negative effects on society. However, the diction is incredibly slow.

So much detail and so much description are stuffed into this novel to the point where what could have become a powerful message turned into a heap of complications which were just so hard to follow. I like the message and the general idea itself, but I had trouble getting invested due to the genuine slowness of it all.

I know there's a movie of 1984, but I've never seen the whole thing, but the idea itself seems like it would translate better in cinema anyway. Maybe literature just wasn't the right outlet to project the overall purpose of the story in general.

3 out of 5 stars. When I call 1984 a "snoozefest," I mean in terms of how wordy and long it tends to become at times.

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 and Reviews and 

Reviews written by the National English Honor Society  Parkersburg High School, Parkersburg, West Virginia

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